Regional Worlds at the University of Chicago
about the program events publications pedagogy globalization project


A vital component of the Regional Worlds Program's commitment to rethink Area Studies was to foster conversations about pedagogical and curricular issues during our colloquia and conferences. To this end, each year, we invited five faculty members from Midwest Liberal-Arts Colleges to participate in our year-long deliberations to develop strategies for teaching in a variety of institutional settings and contexts. The outcomes of such conversations in the previous years of the Regional Worlds Program are available in Regional Worlds publications.


As examples of innovative approaches to studying such themes in the context of rethinking area studies curricula we offer some links to syllabi of courses taught recently at the University of Chicago as well as at participating Midwest institutions:

Pedagogy Packet

In 1999-2000 we highlighted pedagogy in a unique event as part of the Regional Worlds Capstone Conference. To this end we have put together a packet of curricular materials for courses taught by the participants in the Regional Worlds Program with an introductory note by Sita Ranchod-Nilsson about the session. A sample set of the syllabi together with Ms. Ranchod-Nilsson's introduction is available for download above, while a complete set is available as hard copy at the Center for International Studies.

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